2025 Consumer Food Safety Education Conference

March 13-14, 2025

Houston, TX

The 2025 Consumer Food Safety Education Conference will take place March 13-14 in Houston, Texas at the Sysco Headquarters. 

You can expect sessions on food safety research, programming, and communications, alongside interactive food safety experiences. You will also have the chance to network with about 300 health, nutrition, and food safety professionals and educators, swapping best practices and making new friends.

Guess what? You can register today! Click here to register and take advantage of special rates for government, non profits, educators and students. 

Team Up with the Health & Food Safety Community:

  • The BAC Fighters ―13,000 health, nutrition and food safety educators
  • Food safety educators and food safety communicators
  • Public health and environmental health professionals
  • Cooperative Extension professionals
  • Consumer advocates
  • Food and beverage industry professionals
  • Local, state, and federal government and military personnel
  • Educators ― K to 12 through college/university

Click here to view the full conference program.

Meet Your Conference Co-Chairs

Charles Leftwich

Vice President, Food Safety and Quality Assurance

Sysco Corporation

Tara Kelly

Instructor, Department of Nutrition Sciences

The University of Alabama at Birmingham

The 2025 Consumer Food Safety Education Conference (CFSEC) will bring answers and clarity to questions like this and more. While the science behind safe food handling and hand hygiene guidance hasn’t changed, the way people are sourcing their food, experiencing their food and receiving information is changing.

CFSEC 2025 will equip health and food safety educators from all sectors to be prepared for the future of food safety education! 

From social media to distance learning to virtual reality, where and how will the next generation of food handlers get their food safety information?

As health and food safety educators, we need to be poised to reach ALL generations with food safety education that is effective at influencing behavior change.

It’s vital to help ALL generations see themselves in food safety education messages!

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Team Up with the Health & Food Safety Community:

  • The BAC Fighters ―13,000 health, nutrition and food safety educators
  • Food safety educators and food safety communicators
  • Public health and environmental health professionals
  • Cooperative Extension professionals
  • Consumer advocates
  • Food and beverage industry professionals
  • Local, state, and federal government and military personnel
  • Educators ― K to 12 through college/university

Click here to view the full conference program.

Click the image below for press release!

Meet Your Conference Co-Chairs

Charles Lefwich
Vice President, Food Safety and Quality Assurance
Sysco Corporation
Tara Kelly, MS, RDN
Instructor, Department of Nutrition Sciences
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
Dr. Shauna C. Henley
PFSE Board Member
Family & Consumer Sciences Educator
University of Maryland Extension
Howard Popoola
Vice President Corporate Food Technology and Regulatory Compliance
The Kroger Company

To learn more about the conference host, visit the Partnership for Food Safety Education’s website at fightbac.org.